Bra människor skall ha det bra. Punkt.
You are magical.
Hopefully you know this already. Date a man who knows it too.
A man who smiles when you speak of wings, dragons and is not afraid of the wild tangle of your imagination.
A man who willingly submits to the spell of your lips on his.
A man who joins you when you chant—who does not run away when your gaze turns inward.
Such a man remembers the sacred power of women that made him, shaped him and taught him to love. He has not forgotten to respect the Earth and her denizens. He has not forgotten to respect you.
Date a man who knows you are magical, yet does not fear nor hate that mystery in you—for this man is your equal. He will challenge your pride with his own, will check your obstinacy with his, will honor your intelligence by matching it.
When you momentarily forget the brilliance of the light you carry, the silvered glass of his knowing will reflect it for you.
When doubt eclipses the glow that sustains you, his faith will ease it.
This man, of course, is magical too. Truly, what is more powerful than being able to recognize magic in others? If you encounter him, you will not fall, but rather grow, in love—the simplest magic of all.
He will leave you room to expand, while never going too far when you wish to tell him a story. He will learn your secrets and teach you his.
When he lays upon the ground, he listens to the pulse of the world and when he lays his head upon your chest, he does the same. He knows the incantation of your footsteps by heart—carries the charm of your gaze in his pocket.
Date a man who knows you are magical and make sure he knows he is magical too. No potion nor powder could conjure an apparition half as powerful.
Meet him at the witching hour and watch the magic fly.
